Endorsements - A coalition for change

Democracy for America
“We are proud to endorse Fritz Kaegi for Cook County Assessor. Fritz is a principled progressive champion who will end the rampant corruption in the Assessor’s Office. And he’ll fix Joe Berrios’ broken system, which benefits the wealthy and big corporations while exploiting working families and seniors–especially in black and brown families.”

“The current Assessor’s tenure has been marked by nepotism and corruption. All the while, the assessment system he has overseen places the property tax burden on low-income communities, and communities of color. Our members voted overwhelmingly to endorse Fritz Kaegi for Cook County Assessor because he has the experience and the integrity needed to bring fairness and transparency to this crucial office.”

Our Revolution
“For too long, the current Cook County Assessor Joe Berrios continues to defend a broken system that he himself broke in the first place,” said Balanoff. “Assessor Berrios’ political committees have received millions in political contributions from property tax attorneys, law firms and those who make money from the appeals process. This is pay to play at the highest levels.”

Congressman Bobby Rush (1st District)
“Joe Berrios’ property tax racket unfairly penalizes black and brown communities while Berrios does nothing but line his own pockets. Some homeowners in the 1st District are losing their homes because of a system that is designed to fail them. We can no longer tolerate this corrupt behavior.
We need a leader like Fritz Kaegi who will stand up and do the right thing. As a progressive leader, Fritz will stand for honesty, transparency

Congresswoman Robin Kelly (2nd District)
“It’s truly an honor for me to be here to endorse Fritz in his candidacy to be the Cook County Assessor. I am very confident that Fritz will bring fresh ideas, direction

Congressman Mike Quigley (5th District)
“I am proud to endorse Fritz Kaegi for Cook County Assessor. We need progressive leaders like Fritz who can restore the public’s trust in government by being forthright and transparent with taxpayers.”

Congressman Danny Davis (7th District)
“I am delighted to be here with two of colleagues as well as a number of community activists and individuals who are interested in the public interest. We are here for one purpose and one purpose only, and that is to endorse, support and convey to general public that we are supporting Fritz Kaegi for Cook County Assessor. And we’re doing so because we believe that he is going to do a better job of generating the fairness that is needed in our County and in the assessment of our taxes.”

Jan Schakowsky (9th District)
“I am delighted to endorse Fritz Kaegi for Cook County Assessor. I know he will bring fairness, integrity and transparency to a property tax assessment system that for too long has placed an unfair financial burden on those struggling to stay in their homes. Cook County residents deserve a property tax system that they can trust, and as public servants, we are charged with upholding and preserving that trust. Fritz will fix our broken, regressive property tax assessments, and restore economic fairness throughout our county. I look forward to working with Fritz as he works to create a property tax assessment system that benefits all of Cook County, not just the politically connected and wealthy.”

Bill Foster (11th District)
“I am honored to endorse Fritz Kaegi to serve as our next Cook County Assessor. When elected officials fail to do their jobs fairly and honestly, or misbehave in their official capacities, it is essential that we use our democracy’s inherent capability to repair those wounds. Recent investigations by ProPublica/Chicago Tribune, the Economist Magazine, and others, have brought the failings of the Cook County Assessor’s Office into harsh light.
The current property tax assessment system is clouded by corruption, pay-to-play politics and nepotism. It’s imperative to elect a new leader who will regain the trust of our

Cook County Clerk David Orr
“I support Fritz Kaegi for Cook County Assessor because the current Assessor, Joe Berrios, is running a broken assessment process, resulting in unfair assessments and therefore unfair taxes for many middle and moderate income residents,” said Orr. “I know that Fritz will clean up the Assessor’s office. He’s smart and dedicated to a transparent and accountable office. He has a proven track record and he can win. He’s the champion the people need.”

Jesus “Chuy” Garcia (7th District Cook County Commissioner)
“It’s time to clean up the corrupt practices in the Assessor’s office under Joe Berrios. All Cook County residents deserve fair treatment and equitable treatment. Homes in predominantly Latino and African-American neighborhoods are assessed at rates much higher than those in wealthier neighborhoods. The people of Cook County need Fritz Kaegi to clean up these corrupt practices and restore honesty and integrity to the Assessor’s Office.”

Senator Heather Steans (7th District)
“We are in dire need of systemic change in the Assessor’s office. The current situation that has low-income homeowners pay disproportionately higher property taxes is untenable and continues to wreak havoc on the residents of Cook County,” Sen. Steans said. “The Assessor’s office needs a principled leader who will not bend to the will of pay-to-play interests and who will serve everyone equally, not just the well heeled. I know Fritz Kaegi will usher in a spirit of honesty, integrity and fairness to the residents of Cook County.”

Illinois Representative Robyn Gabel (18th District)
“Due to recent developments in the race for Cook County Assessor, I am endorsing Fritz Kaegi. Fritz has worked extremely hard, has strong progressive values, and I believe he will help address the apparent $2.2 billion disparity in assessment value in Cook County. I fully endorse Fritz, and I hope he can earn your vote.

Illinois Representative Will Guzzardi (39th District)
“The problem with property taxes is simple: when rich people cheat the system, we all pay more to make up the difference. We need an assessor who will run the system fairly, who won’t cut special deals for the powerful and connected,” added Rep. Guzzardi. “Fritz Kaegi isn’t beholden to machine politicians or lobbyists — he’ll stop the corruption and run a fair office that works for all of us. I’m proud to endorse him for Assessor, and I’m confident that he’ll look out for everyone in Cook County.”

Illinois Representative Fred Crespo (44th District)
“I’ve been a vocal

Alderman Susan Sadlowski Garza (10th Ward)
“As public stewards, we owe the people of Cook County and the residents of Chicago an assessment process that is fair and equal at every level. There are a lot of troubling and unanswered questions with the current property tax system. For far too long, the working class has suffered under a crooked assessment process in Cook County. I truly believe that with Fritz Kaegi in office, Cook County taxpayers will receive the fair and just treatment that they deserve.”

Alderman Toni Foulkes (16th Ward))
“The current Assessor’s office has held the working class residents of Cook County under its crooked thumb for far too long. We need an Assessor that brings fairness and integrity to the office, and that’s exactly what Fritz Kaegi will do.”

Committeeman Mike Rodriguez (22nd Ward)
“As public officials, we are sworn to uphold the interests of the taxpayers. “We owe the people of Cook County a process that ensures equity at every level, not just for the well-connected. I know that Fritz will bring much needed integrity to the office.”

Alderman Milly Santiago (31st Ward)
“Fritz displays honesty, integrity and unwavering commitment to fairness and ethics. These are the qualities that we so desperately for our next Assessor. Fritz has promised to end the smoke and mirrors approach that current Assessor’s office has utilized for the better portion of a decade. Enough is enough. I serve the people of the 31st Ward. Joe Berrios serves his campaign donors, his lobbying clients, his friends and family. The system is broken and needs to be fixed.”

Alderman Scott Waguespack (32nd Ward)
“I’ve spent my career in City Council as a vigilant steward of Chicagoans’ tax dollars and a relentless advocate for progressive revenue options that ask the very wealthy and big corporations to pay their fair share in taxes. I am convinced now more than ever that our broken property tax assessment system is one of the single biggest hindrances to our ability to create a just and balanced budget. We need an assessor like Fritz Kaegi, who will put Cook County homeowners first–not campaign donors or property tax attorneys with deep pockets. Fritz is the kind of leader we can trust to fix the system and ensure the fairness and stability homeowners in Cook County need.”

Alderman Gilbert Villegas (36th Ward)
“Since 2008, average Cook County residents have watched their Property Taxes soar. Yet, at the same time, huge properties in the Loop have seen their property taxes remain constant or even go down! The downtown property tax scam is what has forced our taxes, your taxes
Anthony Beale (9th Ward)
Alderman George Cardenas (12th Ward)
Committeeman Aaron Goldstein (33rd Ward )
Committeeman Robert Murphy (39th Ward)
Alderman Michele Smith (43rd Ward
Alderman and Committeeman John Arena (45th Ward)
Mayor Vernard Alsberry, Jr. (Hazel Crest)
Wheeling Township Committeeman and former State Rep. Mark Walker
“I heartily endorse Frederick “Fritz” Kaegi for Cook County Assessor. Our taxpayers have begun to lose faith in the fairness and leadership in this critical area of County government. There is little doubt we need new ideas, new accountability, and more transparency in the whole real estate tax assessment process. It is not some false image of corruption created by partisan political attacks that concerns me, but rather that we have a system that produces so many wrong assessments that our leaders can brag about how quickly we process and approve appeals. It is simply time for change. We expect a higher level of accuracy, openness and accountability for the taxpayers. Fritz Kaegi has the financial background, management skills, intelligence, and willingness to turn a new page for us all, in running a better Assessor’s Office.”
Evanston City Clerk Devon Reid
Dan Seals

Citizen Action
“We are proud to announce that Citizen Action/Illinois has endorsed Fritz Kaegi for Cook County Assessor. Fritz is a progressive leader who has demonstrated that he can bring the
Elk Grove Township Committeeman Ted Mason
“Our organization endorses Fritz Kaegi’s campaign for the Cook County Assessor’s office. The current property tax system targets
“We are in need of leadership that will put the residents of Cook County first instead of catering to the wealthy and big corporations. Fritz Kaegi is a professional, and that is what the Assessor’s Office needs. We know Fritz can get us back on track.”
Elk Grove Democrats
“Our organization endorses Fritz Kaegi’s campaign for the Cook County Assessor’s office. The current property tax system targets

UFCW Local 881
“Our union fights every day to provide dignity in work, and that’s why we bargain for good wages, benefits, and

ATU Local 308
“Our union stands here today to support Fritz Kaegi in his campaign to become the next Assessor of Cook County. The current property tax system under Joe Berrios is designed to place an unfair financial burden on Black and brown communities. The recent reports from the Chicago Tribune and the Civic Consulting Alliance only confirm that the current assessor continues to let down those who need the most help. Fritz Kaegi is the kind of leader that we need to fix this broken system.”
ATU Local 241

Trinity United Church of Christ Reverend Otis Moss
Education activist Troy LaRaviere
Policy expert Amara Enyia
Northside Democracy For America – NDFA
Southside Democracy For America – SDFA
New Trier Township Democrats
Wheeling Democrats
Westside DFA
“Our organization is honored to endorse Fritz Kaegi’s campaign to become our next Cook County Assessor. We support Fritz because he brings a vision to restore fairness, integrity
“For too long, minority communities have suffered under a property tax assessment system that caters to the wealthy and well-connected while leaving the working class to take on an unfair property tax burden. Under Assessor Berrios, we have seen unprecedented levels of systemic economic devastation on the west side. It’s time for a change.
“Our organization is committed to building the progressive movement here in Cook County by encouraging and supporting the development of more grassroots leaders, so it’s imperative to elect a new leader who will uphold the trust of the residents. We need progressive leadership in the office and Fritz Kaegi represents the kind of leader that we need now.”
Indivisible Chicago (Northwest Side and South Side)
“Fritz has simply pledged to do the job correctly, fairly, and with integrity. Fritz Kaegi is without a doubt the only candidate in this race who aligns with our values. This office has been for sale for far too long and it’s past time for change.”